Awkward situations


Today Eggy will be sharing with you three awkward situation that often occurs to her!

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#1. When you trip in front of a crowd!

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#2. When your mom tells you not to do something and she finds you doing it!

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#3. When you are bullied just because of your color!

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  1. Adorable, Masha'Allah!
    We have an awkward, but funny, situation to tell you about Cata, our cat.
    One time she was inside the house, and she saw a bird outside the window of our sliding door. She ran at it only to bang her head on the window! We had to rub her head after that to make her feel better.
    Alhamdulillah she learnt from her mistake because the next time she saw a bird and ran at it, she stopped in front of the door, because she didn't want to bang her head again.💝

    1. Kawaii cuteness worldOctober 23, 2020 at 8:29 AM

      Awwwww! that's too cute to be called an awkward situation!
      Hehe! love Cata, she's the sweetest cat MashaAllaah!


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